Hi friends! Welcome back to RACHAEL WROTE THIS - my bi-weekly-ish newsletter, where I share announcements, creative prompts, the books I've been reading, and project updates. Basically just sharing all the things I'm noodling on lately!

Read on for the latest in the rachael renae world – thank you for being here!  


What’s one change you can make in your space this weekend to inspire more creativity?

How my spaces look and feel really, really affect my mood + creativity. Slowly over the last 7 years, I've been transforming my house into the perfect-for-me, colorful, cozy, inspiring space. I'm always changing things and doing lil DIY projects in ~chaotic creative~ fashion. 

I think if we can be really intentional about making our spaces work for us, it allows for less resistance for the creativity to flow. I find myself daydreaming about specific parts of my home and visualizing what they could become with a little paint, rearranging, a new rug, some swapped art. I find this process really low risk, yet really fulfilling!  

Sometimes these ideas take years to come to fruition, but usually around this time of year I'm craving a refresh and the ADHD hyperfixation takes control and I get things done FAST. So I'm kicking it off with some PROJECT UPDATES today! 

This week the creative energy was FLOWING! The lovely folks at Revival rugs offered to send me a new-to-me rug to refresh a space in my home, and immediately I thought of my TV room. It's a room that you have to walk through to get to the stairs that go up to my bedroom, and because of the stairs, it's cozy & dark – perfect for binge-watching Season 4 of Valeria (which I did last weekend). BUT it's never been a really good reflection of my interior style. Here are a couple of photos of what it used to look like. I took these from my ‘home decor’ highlight on IG, so you also get the out-of-context text boxes.  I want to tell 2023 Rachael, “babe! productivity is a symptom of capitalism and rest creates space for creativity!”, but I know she learned it eventually. 


When I first moved into my home, I did a lot of B&W artwork, grey or neutral accessories, and this room was really a remnant of that time in my life. Both images were from 2023 – when I decided I was going to do something different in this room and then…never did. I took the art down and then just couldn't decide what to do. 

That file cabinet was my grandpa's and I've since moved it to my office, and replaced that with a lamp & plant on a stand, but it's been literal years since I've thought about what I could do differently. 

When this rug opportunity came up (which BTW this was a gifted item that I got to choose, my link gets you 15% if you want to order, but I am under no obligation to talk or share this story here - just post a pic of the rug in its new home. I'm always happy to be transparent about gifted items and affiliate links), I took it as my chance to make this room feel more like me. Just like clothing, my interior style is always changing and evolving and I think that rules! I love to feel re-inspired by my spaces and never feel like there's a point when a space is ‘done’.  

I chose this yellow rug - a vintage Moroccan one - and wanted to pair it with PINK! My friend Lauren let me take home some leftover pink paint from a project she had done, and I was debating if I should paint the wall behind the TV, when I realized that the most impactful change would be to paint the wooden trunk that I'm using as a coffee table. This was a secondhand piece that an ex's mom gave us when we lived together, and I'm grateful I still have it :) 

Here she is after 2 coats of pink – I'm gonna do one more today, let her dry + move into the TV room. 

In addition to the rug & the fresh coat of paint, I wanted to update the artwork in that room. I have so many prints, posters, and paper ephemera that I've collected over the years, and while much of it is on display, I have a stash in my flat file of pieces that I couldn't find the right spot for.  

Turns out these are actually perfect for this room! I have a Ryan Heshka print (he's one of my favorite artists) from when he created his book Mean Girls Club. I have some vintage souvenir pennants, which I used to collect. I have a this pink shopping bag, which is from my friend who was visiting her family in Jordan and brought me back a bunch of special souvenirs. I loved the bag just as much as the special pieces inside and wanted to frame it. I also have a painting I made and a couple of Mean Machine prints. Truly obsessed with the godzilla one! We are never too much for the right people!!

These red frames are from IKEA, and the red + pink + yellow is really doing it for me!!!

I truly was not expecting to spend this much time talking about this lil refresh project, but here we are! I'm obviously jazzed about it!

The last puzzle piece for me is figuring out what to do behind the TV. Originally I was going to hang all these pieces there, but I couldn't find a layout that I liked. I think what I might try to do is cut some of the wood panels I've got in my garage from my stationery booth days and make another big painting that's abstract and the right colors and a fun + low pressure creative play exercise. Will keep you posted! 

All of this was to share that when we create physical spaces that we feel good in, we're also creating mental space for creativity! 


Okay first, I'm going to be hosting a FREE webinar on Sunday, March 30th at 12pm EST where I'll walk through a creative challenge for April that we can do together. Register below!

I challenged myself last week to post every day on youtube for the valentine's week style challenge. I've been really blocking myself from getting back into that platform – I think because I had this idea in my head of what the videos needed to be and that felt unachievable. So after a discussion on creative challenges with the current PRIORITIZE PLAY workshop cohort, I committed to this challenge for myself.  

It wasn't perfect, I got really burnt out at the end of the week, but I did most days, and I did a wrap up, and most importantly, it got me out of my head and willing to share on there again. 

I'm basically considering it a video blog space now, and will gab about topics that feel interesting or exciting to me, with the occasional packing, fashion, or project video. 

If you're a youtube pal, would love if you followed over there as well! 

And while we're talking youtube, we're somehow just about wrapped up with Season 2 of the Chaotic Creatives podcast!! You can watch our latest episode - linked below - or listen at your fave podcast platform. This latest episode is about internet house rules as Lauren and I try to navigate healthy boundaries being internet people. 


And finally, sharing just a couple of books I've read in the last few weeks. Thankfully, I'm out of my reading funk and getting back into the swing of things! Here's what I've read + watched lately. 

  1. Quicksilver

    By Callie Hart (Ebook from the library). Okay this one was really good!! Exactly what I want in a fantasy romance! This was long, but I flew through it. 

  2. The Lost Bookshop

    By Evie Woods (audiobook from the library). This was really sweet. Three stories that intertwine with a lil tiny bit of magic. Set mostly in Dublin, but also with hints of Paris. I loved it. A wholesome read/listen. 

  3. homebody

    By Rupi Kaur (physical book bought used). I was really disappointed in this one. It felt forced compared to her other books. I remember feeling so seen and understood with Milk & Honey, but this one felt meh to me. 

  4. Onyx Storm 

    by Rebecca Yarros (physical book bought from a local bookstore). Slow start, eyerolls galore, and yet I'm still cruising through it. 

  5. Ambition Monster

    By Jennifer Romolini (audiobook on spotify). I LOVED THIS! I had no prior knowledge of this author or her career, but wow, her story was relatable and encouraged some reflection. I devoured it. 

That's it for me today! Can't wait to share some final images of my room refresh. I'm going to finish that and get some serious ceramics studio time in this weekend. I hope you prioritize some creative play for yourself, even if it's just making your space more conducive to play. See you next time!


Have a great weekend! 


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